Pick a Color Scheme

The title of my project

META Website

a black and white jewelry webpage for Mangata & Gallo

Wanting to learn more about web development, I fixed my sights on a 7-month course from META. It would begin by reviewing and expanding my knowledge of HTML and CSS, but also introduce JavaScript, Jest, and GitHub. By early May 2023, I would be assigned the task of designing a website for a fictional client. The bar has been raised, and this was the project I handed in. Its acceptance encouraged me to go on and learn more.

Original Code: GitHub

a larger version of the Mangata & Gallo jewelry website

Project Requirements:

Lessons Learned: Making this site taught me a lot about making a website. Some of the key takeaways are using grids, reusing content but styling it differently, selecting better color palettes, and little details such as box shadows that can really liven up a page.

Continued Development: There are many things I enjoy about this site, but looking back, I would like to have made the images increase in scale when hovering over them, added a black border around focused items, made the rounded corners more uniform, and fixed the copywrite information to the left.